One of our daughters went out of town this weekend with her Oma. With having her sister gone I have been able to see things more clearly that have been developing in our more passive daughter.
She is sneaky. This is good and bad. I think this helps her get things she wants when her more dominant sister is around. I think this means she also gets away with things I don't usually realize. This morning she told me that someone was knocking on the door. While I was downstairs checking, she was able to locate, open, close and return the cookie tin. Had she not had a mouthful of cookie, I wouldn't have known she was in them.
She definately has opinions. We usually see her conceeding to her sister's desires. She tends to be our peacemaker. One day I heard the girls arguing and she turned around and asked "Mommy, do I like pink?" I in turn asked her if she did. And she said yes. I told her that she did then, in fact like pink. However, she definately has opinions and has been expressing them quite frequently.
She likes to talk. Ok, I'm not a complete idiot, I knew this. However, I am always amazed when I get to have one-on-one time with one of the girls and listen to their personality pour out in sentences.
Even though I have missed my daughter a lot while she has been on her adventure with Oma, it has been fun to see her sister individually. I am excited to watch them blossom and develop as two different people as they grow, and I will treasure these moments I get to see them individually shine.